
Joanna Harley
About Me:
Marine microbiologist / biologist who delights in all things that live in the sea, especially those that photosynthesise.
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I am forever trying to figure out how I can fit in 1000 hobbies and interests into 1 person. Some of these include marine and terrestrial animal/plant/fungi id, LGBTQIA+ politics, social inequality and social justice, cooking, acrobatics, climbing, surfing and painting. My pronouns are they/them.
My Work:
I am a Marine Biology technician who specialises in microbiology and molecular biology
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I am mostly found in the lab, cultivating microalgae, working with DNA, or identifying and processing samples for DToL. Sometimes I help out in the field, collecting invertebrates and macroalgae.
One of my main tasks as a molecular biologist, is confirming the identity of our specimens using DNA barcoding techniques. This is where I extract and analyse a small section of the DNA which will tell us which species it is.
My Typical Day:
I start my morning with a bit of molecular biology, preparing and analysing DNA to find out which species our samples are from. Then I’ll help out in the ecology lab, identifying seaweed and invertebrates. I’ll spend some time checking on my phytoplankton cultures before setting up another overnight PCR machine and heading home.
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This would be spread across a few days but my job looks a bit like this:
Field sampling! We head to the shoreline, identify target specimens, record the sampling metadata and take them back to the lab. They will be sorted into separate pots in the aquaria until they are processed for DToL.
Next we identify individuals using a key, we take some photos and metadata before chopping them up for genome sequencing and DNA barcode analysis.
Seaweed is arranged on paper and dried for the Herbarium.
I also cultivate strains of phytoplankton and marine fungi for processing as part of the Darwin Tree of Life project.
My molecular biology work begins with extracting DNA from our seaweed and protist samples using a kit.
Next I will use PCR to amplify genes which can be used to identify the species. I then clean the PCR product up to purify the DNA. If it’s good quality, I’ll send it off in the post to be sequenced (analysed).
When I receive the data, I read through the sequences using a computer program that checks them against global databases of DNA sequences. I inspect the results to make sure they are correct and confirm the species.
Now that we have identified the specimens they can be shipped off to Oxford for genome size estimation, and Sanger for genome sequencing. Time for an ice cream!
What I'd do with the prize money:
I would put it forward to making a mini pictographic guide to the DToL marine specimens of Plymouth sound.
Holbrook High School, Colchester Sixth Form College, University of Southampton, University of Sheffield
Holbrook High School: GCSEs: Triple Science, English Language, English Literature, Maths, History, French, Spanish, Music. BTEC Sports Science
Colchester Sixth Forth College: IB: Biology Higher, Chemistry Higher, English Higher, History Higher, French Standard, Maths Studies, Theory of Knowledge
University of Southampton: MSci Marine Biology
Work History:
- Endless barwork during my degree
- Marine Microbiologist – National Oceanography Centre Southampton
- PhD candidate – University of Sheffield
- Kitchen Manager – Pour Sheffield
- Pop-up catering – Turning Earth / Union Street Sheffield
- Organiser/Model/Artist – Anomaly Life Drawing
- Acrobatics teacher – Greentop Community Circus
Current Job:
I am a Research Technician on the Darwin Tree of Life Project. My roles include collection and processing of a broad range of marine organisms for genome sequencing, nucleic acid extraction and barcoding, and cultivation of microalgae. I additionally assist researchers in the Cunliffe group on the MYCO-CARB project, studying the roles of marine fungi in biogeochemical cycles.
My Interview
What did you want to be after you left school?
Marine Biologist
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Laura Marling
What's your favourite food?
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
The fall of capitalism! Teleportation. World Peace.
Tell us a joke.
A marine biology joke? I need to mullet over...